Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Global Recession??? True !!!


Some people are still questioning the existence of THE global (financial, economical or whatever you call it) crisis, recession or whatever you call it. From my personal experience, I confirm that. Yes, it's there since a while and has affected in our everyday life and I don't know if it has hit the bottom.

How many companies have gone bankrupt? How many of those who massively laid off its employees ? What we hear in the news isn't so real until it reaches you. Yes, I can say that my company is one of its victims or should I say I'm one of its victims. First, in mid january 2009 our head quarter filed for bankrupcy protection and then end of may 2009, its French subsidiary is set for liquidation. What a waste, once a great company, it's now divided parts for sale!

Yesterday, for the first time in my life (there's always a first time for everything) I went along with other colleagues in front of the Château de Versailles (my office is 10 minutes away from Versailles) to protest against the company liquidation. The place is chosen to get the media attention because the president will speak before the parliament dan deputy that afternoon. Our fight has just begun and our fate will soon be fixed. At least they're talking about us on the news!


Andri Journal said...

Weleh,mbak lisa ikut demo.Kayak mahasiswa di tv itu.Hidup mbak lisa! :D

Unknown said...

Of course it is true Lisa,

We (the term is for the whole nation) have been badly hit by IT and we are still nursing the sore. :(

This state-island that I live is small without any natural resources, and the economy depends heavily on free-trades with the western countries, which are now in dire situation. Susaaaah....ya?

My family is still okay, for now. Thank God. I pray for you and your family's well being.

Semoga badai cepat berlalu...

Bianca Prameswari said...

weleh, pengalaman besar ya liz...
aku seumur2 ikut demo waktu sma. demonya juga di sekolahan.

eniwei, semoga aspirasi yang disampaikan di demo kemarin mendapat reaksi yang baik. ya liz. amin.