I remember back in 2001, I was so proud of having my own website where I exposed my true stories, photos of my family, friends.... I even told everybody about it. Then came the famous social networking friendster. I tried to ignored some invitations from my friends but finally I ended up signing in myself. At first it was fun, I was able to get in touch with some old classmates, uni even friends of friends. Then here I am, I don't feel like some people googling my real name and get into my website and my friendster. Well don't get me wrong... this is my point of view. It's not that I don't want to have new friends... I do, that is why I still keep on blogging. And I intend to keep it rolling.
I know it's paradoxial, I mean by reading my blog, you know what I do, what I did last month, where I went but you don't know my real name, my work place, my address. Eventhough I love to put the photos of myself and my family in it, I just hope that people who see them won't have bad intentions. Well, it's complicated but the point is, nobody won't happen to get into this blog by googling my name, that's it. The only social networking that I keep is Linkedin, it's professionnel. Unlike friendster, I hope many recruiters come into my Linkedin page and propose me a dream job!
Ooooo..*komen apa sih ini?*
awas yah jangan apus blog nya celia!! :( aku kan masih mau bacaaaaaaaaa :'( huu huu huu
Yah...kalau emang niat iseng mah pasti dicari jalannya! hehe...
Dilema memang, tinggal 'niat ingsun' ajah kalo gitu. Niat mau berbagi cerita kpd temen2 baik dan sodara...hopefully gakda orang 'iseng' yg punya niat 'iseng' baca blog kita.
hmm...ada takut kayak gitu yaa..hmm.. buat q yang jelas, perlu aware juga ma crita kita..cuman..awareness itu nggak jadi penghalang untuk berkreatifitas..hehe.. blog itu membantu juga buat q utarain apa yang q rasain..hihi..
its good to hear that you're gonna keep this blog rolling for this is the easiest for me to see you guys... out-there..
i dont really see my "frenster" anymore.. soon will be history..
iya lis,.. cerita di dini aja yak,...
mmm...jadi inget Friendster hubby ku yg jd baru saja dilenyapkan, secara byk org iseng sering meneror,fhuiiiiiiiih..serba salah.
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