Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nasty Chickenpox

Célia got affected by a nasty chickenpox at her school. It is reported that at least 5 of her class members got this infectious disease. I noticed 2 red bumps on her face when she came from school thursday afternoon. In the morning, it has become several spots on her face and on her body. I took an appointment right away in the afternoon. The doctor said that she needed to be quarantined at home for 10 days. The worst period was during day 2 and day 3, she couldn't sleep well at night and itchy and scratchy all the time. And she's becoming cranky - which is normal.
Looking at the rash, I really could not believe that she could go back to school in 10 days. Fortunately it was a long weekend (monday off) and I asked my husband to take tuesday off as well. I really needed a hand to cope with everything while kid being sick. I tried to make her busy with activities so that she will forget to scratch. Painting helps a lot. It calms her down, even when she's not sick. During the quarantine, she did hand painting, sponge painting and even helping me baking some muffins.
I like her drawing of a man and the sun


Destri Andorf said...

loh liz dia ga dikasih chicken pox vaccine?? well at least she got it already so you don't have to worry about her getting it again :)

Lisa said...

gue pikir dia udah divaccin, taunya belum.

Anonymous said...

temen gw kasi saran buat anak gw katanya mendingan dapet chicken pox langsung, ga usah pake vaksin2 segala. Iya nggak sih?
Tapi gw tetep schedulin buat vaksin bulan depan ah...

Mommy Bri

Raquel Brenda said...

Cepat sembuh ya Celia... katanya kalau dapatnya masih kecil, bekas cacarnya cepat ilang ya... tapi tetep aja kita yg repot kalo anak sakit ya..

btw kalaupun sdh di Vaksin pasti masih akan kena cacar kok...

lescaboma said...

wah, ada dokumentasi hariannya ya..
sekarang celia udah sehat kan liz?

Lisa said...

Célia udah sembuh, udah masuk sekolah lagi seminggu kemudian. Jadi total 10 hari di rumah