Saturday, February 07, 2009

Babysitting Célia


My dear Nuke proposed to me several times to babysit Célia (well it's her two assistants and her two lovely children to be exact :-) ). I was hesitating first as I never leave my baby sleeping without us around but I gave it a try anyway. I also noticed that Célia is getting along quite well with Nuke's chlidren. They showed her their hello kitty collections and DVDs that made Célia feel like in paradise :-)

Nuke and I were invited to a farewell party that friday night. I leave Célia with Nugra, mbak Titi n mbak Nah. Gifta finally came with us as Nuke is at a point of no return but take her along :-) (in other word she put a knife on her mom's throat).

I explained to mbak Titi what time is Célia's milk and the quantity and translate some words that she might say (katanya Nuke, bhs inggris aja blm lancar udah diajarin bhs pcis) like: bibong for biberon or bottle, de lo for de l'eau or water. It turned out that Célia understood all the communication with mbak titi: when she asked to put on her pyjama, time for bottle. One tiny little thing, she didn't want to sleep. She's so glued to DVD that dia bela2in melek matanya.

When we came home just before midnight, she's still awake. That night we slept over at Nuke's. One epissode that I won't skip though it was when I stepped into a mouse trap glue. I was tired and asleep and my daughter's waiting for sleep as well, there I was fighting to take out the mouse trap glue out of my two feet!!! Saya sebel sekaligus ngga enak sama Nuke krn sudah malam tapi masih ngerepotin dia. Akhirnya setelah digosok2 pake minyak tawon baru mempan (I used up her minyak tawon for that not to mention the towel etc etc).

The second time, I really let Célia sleep over on saturday night. I was having a night of jalan kenangan with my old buddy from Uni. We suppossed to go dugem but we instead just drove around jakarta at night, kuningan, sabang, cikini stop by for a bubur ayam n martabak then drove around again. It was really an experience, far away from jakarta's hectic life! Thanks Nuke, thanks Adi for making this happen (FYI my hubby was on diving trip to thousand island).

Only on sunday afternoon that I picked up Célia. I took the golden opportunity to go to driving range early in the morning and have a lunch with my Uni friends. She was busy biking in front of Nuke's house when I saw her. She seemed to be happy! But just after that she never let me go. I even had to have her on my lap while I was driving. It's not far tho tebet2 aja!

What an experience! I may hire a babbysitter next time we return to Indonesia.


Keke Naima said...

pagi... Celia.. :) Krn gak liat SB jd sy nulisnya disini ya.. Kl sy bikin tracingnya pake adobe photoshop

TrueMom said... two assistants and my children to be exact baby sitting celia.., but i m soul of the house :-) yeah it was fun having "princess celia" in the house.., Children miss her a lot specially kakak, they still using bibong for "ngedot" now...

anyway about mouse thing, finally we could get rid of them..but not with those silly uselless mouse-trap but with our ATM with cost 2 million rupiahs..he.. alias mbongkar dapur..

Miss all the fun with you..gross bissous pour regis, toi bien sure..

Anonymous said...

hehehe, minggu kemarin juga gw main ke rumah nuke, doi cerita waktu celia nginep di sana. nugra, gifta, mbak titi dan mbak nah emang orang2 hebat!

kemarin gw bisa leyeh2 di sana, soalnya anak2 asik main dan diurusin sama mbak titi dan mbak nah... hihihi...
lumayaaaannn.... :D

Anonymous said...

btw, jadi kangen juga malem2 buta jalan ngiter2 liat kota jakarta yang lagi sepi. ... ;-)
dulu sereing, udah setahun lebih ga pernah lagi.

Lisa said...

di kasih oleh2 ngga Les ?
Célia udah dibaby sit dibekalin boneka, topi, kalung ck ck ck ngga tau deh cara berterima kasihnya gimana :-)