Friday, April 30, 2010

Disney april 2010

disney april
During the second week of her spring break, we managed to take her to Disneyland. A combined Walt Disney Studio Park in the morning and Disneyland Park in the afternoon. We were so excited to meet the new princess Tiana and prince Naveen who made their debut at Disneyland Paris. We were having a very nice spot during the parade and were so close to the princesses and princes.
Earlier, Célia got a chance to have a nice picture with her favorite princess Aurora and Prince Philip. Moreover she's wearing prince Aurora's sweater. The princess was so kind to her at that after the photo she gave her a big hug... oh not only Célia, I, myself was so touched.
Well, there are times when, after long hours of queue *hyperbole*, Célia refuses to greet the Princess and Prince or Disney characters.
being shy 
 We had great great time at Disney. We'll be coming back real soon!


TrueMom said...

Lis...jadi pengen visit loe deeeh..., he.he..dapet murah juga ha masuk disney nya????

lescaboma said...

senangnya bisa sering mondar mandir ke disneyland... :D

btw, rembut udah panjang liz... udah ampir sama ama princess aurora ;-)

Lisa said...

True mom, gue bayarin deeeeh yg penting dateng aja dulu :-)
Lesca, iiih jadi malu